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building my first portfolio: next.js, tailwind css, and vercel adventures

Embarking on the journey of building my first complete web application was an exhilarating experience. Let me take you through the fun and excitement of using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel to create and deploy my portfolio page!

Technologies Used

Here's the awesome trio that powered my project:

  • Next.js: The backbone of my project for server-side rendering, static site generation, and efficient image optimization. It's like having a superhero cape for your app!
    • With server-side rendering, my pages load faster and are super SEO-friendly.
    • Static site generation ensures that the site remains blazing fast even under high traffic.
  • Tailwind CSS: My secret weapon for rapid and responsive UI development. It's like having a magic wand to style components effortlessly.
    • Quickly create beautiful designs with utility-first CSS classes.
    • Responsive design made easy, ensuring my app looks great on all devices.
  • Vercel: The ultimate deployment platform, tailor-made for Next.js projects. It's like having a smooth runway for a perfect launch.
    • Effortless deployment with built-in support for Next.js.
    • Provides valuable analytics and performance insights.

Why This Stack?

Choosing this stack was a no-brainer for me, and here's why:

  1. Performance:
    • Next.js ensures my app is fast and responsive, providing a seamless user experience.
  2. Developer Happiness:
    • Tailwind CSS speeds up the styling process, letting me focus more on functionality.
  3. Easy Deployment:
    • Vercel makes deploying my app a breeze, with zero configuration needed.

Dynamic Routing for Blog Pages

One of the coolest features I implemented was dynamic routing for my blog pages. This allows each blog post to have its own unique URL and makes managing content a breeze. Here's a quick look at how I did it:

  • File-based Routing: Next.js uses a file-based routing system where each file in the pages directory automatically becomes a route. For example, pages/blog/[id].tsx handles all blog post routes dynamically based on the id parameter.
  • GetStaticPaths and GetStaticProps: These functions help in generating static pages at build time, making the site faster and more SEO-friendly. getStaticPaths defines the paths to be generated, while getStaticProps fetches the data needed for each page.


Building my portfolio page with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel has been an exciting adventure. This powerful combo ensures top-notch performance, developer-friendly experience, and hassle-free deployment. If you're gearing up for your first project, I highly recommend giving this stack a try!

Final Thoughts

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